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You've gotten the diagnosis - your child has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Though you knew something about your child was different, the confirmation of this fact can still be overwhelming.

Are you sitting there wondering,

"Now what do we do?"

Have you been given a long list of resources to follow up on?

Have you ordered a pile of books about autism, and started searching for programs and services targeted to people living with autism?

Has it become too much, yet?

For those of you who are new to the world of autism, it may feel like you are navigating unknown territory, not knowing exactly where the road lies ahead that is going to get you to where you want to be.

Our Autism 101 course offers the lifeline you are looking for, bringing parents step-by-step on the path to discovering what their new reality with autism will look like.

This is the map that will help you find your way in this new world you did not ask to be a part of, but that you will do your best to understand, to give your child their best chance, and to find the new "normal" within which your whole family will thrive.

Image by Alireza Attari
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